Monday, February 28, 2011

Setting Description – Macritchie Reservior

The water was calm. The lush green forest that surrounded the reservoir was a sign of peace and tranquility, or was it? In the middle of the reservoir, red and white buoys connected by thick nylon ropes formed six lanes of one thousand metres long. That distance was both short and long. Short in the sense that it could be over in less than five minutes; Long in the sense that it required over two hundred hard and powerful strokes just to complete that distance. I pondered for a while and decided that the latter seemed more appropriate – I could hardly see the end from the shore.


  1. This story should be about how the narrator struggled to complete the race and shows a lot of character development in the story, as the narrators swims.

  2. I really have no clue on what you are going to write. My guess is that maybe its a competition coming up or maybe a training lesson whereby the two hundred hard and powerful strokes come into significance. (BY THE WAY BRAM PLEASE DO POST YOUR ASSIGNMENTS EARLIER!) -Liang Hao

  3. Regarding Wei Yang's comment, a swimmer needs a lot more than two hundred strokes to complete one thousand metres. I am referring to kayaking.

  4. i guess that this story is about how the main character overcomes his physical fatigue and eventually emerges victorious. This story would also revolve around the theme of peseverance.

  5. This story is about how the setting seems peaceful but beneath the surface, there is actually fierce competition. This shows that still water runs deep...what seems to be peaceful and tranquil .

  6. I think that this is a story about the determination showed by somebody before a competition. He could have won the competition and realised the importance of his self-confidence,perseverance and relaised his true potential.

  7. So far, I think that Fu Man's story seems to be the most accurate. The story is about somebody overcoming the odds and winning the race through determination. The person would also find out that he was capable of more than what he thought he was capable of.
